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HomeBeritaPergantian Dirut Terjadi Setelah Hasil RUPST Bank Muamalat

Pergantian Dirut Terjadi Setelah Hasil RUPST Bank Muamalat

JAKARTA – PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk held its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPST) for the 2023 fiscal year on Thursday (24/6/2024) today in Jakarta. In RUPST, among other things, the company’s annual report for the 2023 fiscal year, including the supervisory board of commissioners and the sharia supervisory board’s oversight report for the 2023 fiscal year, as well as the approval of the financial statements for the 2023 fiscal year and the use of net income for the 2023 fiscal year, were approved.

In 2023, Bank Muamalat’s profit before tax amounted to Rp 14.1 billion. Meanwhile, Bank Muamalat’s total assets reached Rp 66.9 trillion with Third Party Funds (DPK) reaching Rp 47.6 trillion and financing reaching Rp 22.5 trillion.

Bank Muamalat’s commissioner and meeting leader, Andre Mirza Hartawan, stated that the decisions made in the RUPST are strategic steps to create better and more accountable corporate governance.

“We hope that all decisions made in this RUPST will benefit the beloved Bank Muamalat. Hopefully, the company’s management team, who have been entrusted, can implement sustainable business growth strategies for Bank Muamalat and continue to run the company with good governance,” he said in a statement on Thursday (27/6/2024).

Bank Muamalat will also continue its business refocusing strategy with a focus on the consumer retail segment. The main segments that Bank Muamalat focuses on are the pilgrimage and umrah business, retirees, hospitals, education, and Civil Servants (ASN).

Furthermore, to improve the company’s performance, Bank Muamalat continues to optimize its branch office and ATM network. As of March 31, 2024, the number of Bank Muamalat branch offices totaled 235, consisting of 80 branch offices, including 1 branch office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and 155 sub-branch offices.

Bank Muamalat will also maximize its digital channels, namely the Muamalat DIN mobile banking application and internet banking services as well as Cash Management Madina. By continuously improving the quality and digital innovation, it is hoped that customers can experience seamless, safe, and comfortable banking experiences.

In the RUPST, shareholders also approved a change in the company’s management structure. Thus, the management structure after the RUPST is as follows:

Sharia Supervisory Board
Chairman: Sholahudin Al Aiyub
Member: Siti Haniatunnisa
Member: Agung Danarto

Board of Commissioners
President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner: Amin Said Husni
Independent Commissioner: Sartono
Commissioner: Andre Mirza Hartawan

Board of Directors
President Director: Hery Syafril
Compliance Director: Karno
Director: Riksa Prakoso

Source: Republika

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